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Tomato Clownfish In Water

Tomato Clownfish In Water

This image provides a captivating view of a beautiful Tomato Clownfish gracefully swimming in the water. The Tomato Clownfish, scientifically known as Amphiprion frenatus, is a marine fish belonging to the family Pomacentridae, which includes clownfishes and damselfishes. This species is native to the waters of the Western Pacific, ranging from Japan to Indonesia. The Tomato Clownfish is known by various common names, including blackback anemonefish, bridled anemonefish, fire clown, and red tomato clown. Its striking coloration, which can range from a vivid orange-red to a deep red, is one of its defining features. In this image, the clownfish's vibrant colors contrast beautifully with the surrounding aquatic environment. The clownfish's graceful movement and its association with sea anemones, which provide both protection and habitat, make it a fascinating subject in marine photography.

Image ID#: 32018 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Tomato Clownfish In Water
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amphiprion aquarium aquatic clownfish dive diving environment eyes face fin fish fluid freshness light liquid looking pet staring swim swimming tail under water

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