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Wolf Staring

Wolf Staring

In this mesmerizing image captured with a telephoto lens, a wild Grey Wolf commands attention as it sits atop a large rock. The close-up perspective allows for a detailed view of the wolf's face, revealing the depth of its gaze and the scars that tell the tales of its untamed life. The wolf's eyes, sharp and alert, lock onto the surroundings, showcasing the keen instincts that are essential for survival in the wild. The intensity of its stare conveys a sense of vigilance and awareness, underlining the wolf's role as a formidable and cunning predator. The scars on the wolf's face tell a story of its encounters in the natural world, adding character and a visual testament to the challenges faced by these majestic creatures. Despite any visible scars, the wolf exudes a sense of strength and resilience, reinforcing its position as a symbol of the wilderness. The composition captures the wolf in a moment of rest, with its hands resting forward, yet the overall posture and the alertness in its head suggest that relaxation doesn't diminish its instinctive readiness. The large rock serves as a rugged throne, grounding the image in the untamed beauty of the wolf's natural habitat.

Image ID#: 11809 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Wolf Staring
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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High quality JPG: 5000x3332 Pixels  / File size:  3.70 Mb.

© Copyright Notice: This image is the exclusive property of Photography, and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use of these images is prohibited. We reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users and to seek damages for copyright infringement.

animal alpha beast breed canine canis carnivore creature danger dangerous face fear fierce forest frightening furry gray grey head hunter lupus mammal nature outdoor outside predator savage scare stare wild wildlife wolf zoo

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