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Turtle Next To Water

Turtle Next To Water

The close-up side view of a small turtle sitting next to a water pond showcases a charming and tranquil moment in the natural world. The turtle, with its distinctive shell and calm demeanor, is perched beside the pond, appearing to bask in the warmth of its surroundings. The turtle's shell, a remarkable natural adaptation, provides both protection and camouflage in its environment. Its patient and slow movements are characteristic of these gentle reptiles. The proximity to the water pond suggests that it may have recently emerged from a swim or is contemplating another one.

Image ID#: 10369 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Turtle Next To Water
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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High quality JPG: 1936x1288 Pixels  / File size:  0.84 Mb.

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aquatic body closeup color concept cute desert eared elegans foot funny green hard head nature pet portrait red eared reptile rock running shell slider stone testudinate tortoise tropical turtle wet wildlife

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