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Sleeping Argentine Black And White Tegu

Sleeping Argentine Black And White Tegu

This closeup image captures a serene moment of a sleeping Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae), also known as the Argentine Giant Tegu. Taken with a telephoto lens, the photograph reveals the tegu resting peacefully on a bed of brown soil nestled between rocks. Its body is curled into a relaxed position, with its head resting gently on its tail, creating a harmonious and natural composition. The tegu’s textured black-and-white scales are prominently displayed, showcasing its unique pattern and robust physique. The earthy tones of the soil and rocks contrast beautifully with the tegu’s striking coloration, emphasizing its natural habitat. Known for its intelligence and versatility, the Argentine Black and White Tegu is a capable swimmer and agile on land, though it remains calm and non-aggressive unless threatened. This tranquil close-up highlights the reptile’s beauty and adaptability, offering a glimpse into its peaceful, resting state.

Image ID#: 14591 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Sleeping Argentine Black And White Tegu
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animal argentine argentinean black body closeup cold danger dangerous eye fauna giant head jungle length life lizard looking merianae nature pet reptile reptilian scales squamata tail tegu teguixin teiidae teius terrarium tropical tupinambis white wild wildlife zoo

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