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Headless Roman Statue Ruins In The Ancient City Of Caesarea

Headless Roman Statue Ruins In The Ancient City Of Caesarea

In this view over the ancient city of Caesarea, the remains of a headless Roman statue stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time. These ancient ruins, remnants of Caesarea Maritima, built by Herod the Great in 22 BC on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, evoke a sense of historical grandeur. The headless Roman statue, though lacking its original form, bears the scars of centuries, telling tales of a once-thriving city. The architecture and artistry of Caesarea Maritima are testaments to the sophistication of Roman engineering and design. The presence of the headless Roman statue serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of civilizations long past.

Image ID#: 30945 / Category: Travel, Architecture / Price: 499$
Headless Roman Statue Ruins In The Ancient City Of Caesarea
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ancient antique archaeology artwork body bust carved civilization classical culture empire famous figure greek headless heritage historical history human imperial imperium man marble old past pedestal portrait roma roman rome ruins sculpture statue stone

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