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Rainbow Smiley Face

Rainbow Smiley Face

A smiley face with vibrant rainbow colors is depicted, isolated on a white background. The design radiates joy, positivity, and inclusivity. The smiley face retains its characteristic circular shape, filled with a spectrum of vibrant colors resembling a rainbow. Each section of the smiley face is filled with a different color, representing the colors of the rainbow, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The use of vibrant rainbow colors symbolizes diversity, unity, and acceptance. The rainbow is often associated with inclusivity and LGBTQ+ pride, making the design a representation of joy, love, and support. The isolated white background ensures that the focus remains on the smiley face and its vibrant rainbow colors. This allows for easy integration into various digital or print media.

Image ID#: 18529 / Category: Designs / Price: 499$
Rainbow Smiley Face
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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Original size499.00

Original file max size / Image type and details:

High quality JPG: 6000x4000 Pixels  / File size:  0.73 Mb.

© Copyright Notice: This image is the exclusive property of Photography, and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use of these images is prohibited. We reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users and to seek damages for copyright infringement.

avatar cartoon character cheerful cool cute design emo emogi emotions faces facial funny gesture hands happy icons like ok personality positivity satisfaction sign smile smiley smilies smiling success symbol thumbs two up vector

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