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Pug Dog Face On White Background

Pug Dog Face On White Background

This image presents a detailed portrait of a Pug dog's head and face, isolated against a clean white background. The Pug's large, round head is prominently featured, showcasing the breed's distinctive characteristics. The dog's big, sparkling eyes are a major focal point, brimming with a range of human-like expressions such as surprise, happiness, and curiosity. These expressive eyes add a lively and engaging quality to the portrait. The Pug's brow is wrinkled, enhancing its expressive look and adding depth and texture to the face. The muzzle is blunt and very short, contributing to the Pug's unique square-shaped head appearance. This short, broad muzzle is a defining trait of the breed, and it is depicted with great attention to detail.

The image is a derivative work based on the original work of the image: (Pug Dog - Image ID# 20611).

Image ID#: 28184 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Pug Dog Face On White Background
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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Original size499.00

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High quality JPG: 5616x3744 Pixels  / File size:  3.44 Mb.

© Copyright Notice: This image is the exclusive property of Photography, and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use of these images is prohibited. We reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users and to seek damages for copyright infringement.

adorable animal beautiful beige black breed brown canine care companion cute day dog doggy domestic ears face folds friendly friendship funny happy hound little looking mammal pedigree pedigreed pet playful portrait pug pugdog puppy purebred small tongue wrinkled

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