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Pink Water Lily

Pink Water Lily

This very closeup image, captured with a macro lens, showcases a stunning pink and purple water lily in intricate detail. The flower, fully open, reveals its inner parts with remarkable clarity. Inside the water lily, the stamen and anthers are prominently displayed, adorned with yellow hues that contrast beautifully against the delicate pink and purple petals. The stamen, bearing pollen, and the anthers, which produce it, are essential reproductive organs of the flower. Belonging to the family Nymphaeaceae, water lilies are aquatic rhizomatous herbs, known for their graceful presence in water gardens and ponds. Their natural beauty has made them popular as ornamental plants, appreciated for their elegant blooms and serene aquatic habitat. This close-up view captures not only the intricate details of the water lily's reproductive organs but also highlights its aesthetic appeal as a symbol of natural beauty and tranquility in aquatic environments.

Image ID#: 21723 / Category: Nature / Price: 499$
Pink Water Lily
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aquatic beautiful bloom blooming blossom botanical botany closeup floating flora floral flowers foliage gardening gardens green lake leafs leaves lilies lilly lotus majestic natural nature nymphaea outdoors petals pond pool summer surface tropical water

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