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Minbar of Saladin In Al Aqsa Mosque

Minbar of Saladin In Al Aqsa Mosque

This close-up view of the doors of the Saladin Minbar (Pulpit) inside Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem reveals the intricate and exquisite craftsmanship of this historical artifact. The doors are made of a combination of ivory and wood, showcasing an extraordinary level of ornamental detail and artistry. With the minbar doors closed, the photograph highlights the elaborate geometric patterns and motifs that adorn the panels. These patterns include interlocking stars, hexagons, and other shapes, meticulously carved and arranged to create a visually stunning mosaic. The ivory inlays add a contrasting elegance to the rich, dark wood, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. The intricate arabesque designs, featuring swirling and interlacing patterns, further embellish the doors, demonstrating the high level of skill and precision involved in their creation. These designs are not only decorative but also carry deep symbolic meanings within Islamic art. Above the doors, an ornate arch frames the entrance, its surface covered with finely carved floral and vegetal motifs. This arch, with its alternating curved and straight lines, adds a sense of grandeur and frames the minbar's doorway with elegance. The overall craftsmanship of the Saladin Minbar is a testament to the advanced woodworking techniques of medieval Syria, particularly the use of the interlocking technique (Ta'shiq) to assemble the intricate pieces without the need for glue or metal nails. The close-up view emphasizes the dedication and expertise of the craftsmen, including the master craftsman Al-Akharini and his team, whose signatures are found on the minbar. This detailed image allows viewers to appreciate the artistic and cultural significance of the Saladin Minbar, highlighting its status as one of the finest examples of woodwork art in the Muslim world and a cherished historical artifact within the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Image ID#: 15641 / Category: Religion, Architecture / Price: 499$
Minbar of Saladin In Al Aqsa Mosque
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al aqsa alquds ancient antique architecture artistic building carved culture decoration decorative engraved famous handmade haram al sharif heritage historic holy inscription islamic jerusalem magnificent majestic mihrab minbar monument mosque muslim niche oriental ornament ornate saladin salah al din praying religion religious sacred shrine structure worship wooden

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