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Augusta Victoria Church Ceiling With Paintings

Augusta Victoria Church Ceiling With Paintings

Closeup view from below, taken with a telephoto lens, offers a detailed look at the artistic mosaic ceiling inside the Augusta Victoria Church at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. This particular section of the mosaic features Saint Gabriel, one of the archangels, holding a lily stalk in his hand. Saint Gabriel is often associated with the Annunciation, where he delivered the news to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. In Christian art, he is commonly depicted holding a lily, symbolizing purity and the announcement of the Messiah's birth. The use of a telephoto lens allows for a closer view of the mosaic, revealing the intricate details and craftsmanship that went into creating this beautiful artwork. The colors, textures, and nuances in the mosaic become more pronounced, highlighting the fine artistry that adorns the church's ceiling.

Image ID#: 30489 / Category: Religion, Arts / Price: 499$
Augusta Victoria Church Ceiling With Paintings
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ancient architecture augusta victoria building cathedral chapel christian christianity church culture decoration emperor german heritage historic history holy Jerusalem landmark lutheran medieval monument old protestant religion saint sightseeing traditional wilhelm ii worship

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