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Guitar Player Made From Forks And Spoons

Guitar Player Made From Forks And Spoons

This image features a creative artwork depicting a guitar player crafted from silver forks and spoons. Set against a white background, the sculpture creatively transforms everyday kitchen utensils into a figure of a musician. The artist has used a spoon as the head of the figure, with a tea strainer cleverly repurposed as a hat. The forks serve as the musician’s arms, with their tines twisted and arranged to mimic fingers playing a small wooden guitar. The detailed arrangement of the forks and spoons captures the essence of the guitar player in a unique and artistic manner, showcasing the inventive use of materials to represent a dynamic music scene. The contrast between the metallic utensils and the wooden guitar adds visual interest, while the overall composition emphasizes the figure’s role in making music, highlighting both the creativity and craftsmanship involved in the piece.

Image ID#: 20359 / Category: Miscellaneous / Price: 499$
Guitar Player Made From Forks And Spoons
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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acoustic antique artistic audio bass chimes classical culture entertainment ethnic fado folk frets guitar instrument instrumental loud lute mandolin melody musical musician oriental oud performance play song sound strings style traditional vintage wood

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