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Fresh Mackerel Fish Partially Covered With Ice To Preserve Their Freshness

Fresh Mackerel Fish Partially Covered With Ice To Preserve Their Freshness

This image features a pile of fresh mackerel fish, carefully displayed and partially covered with ice to preserve their freshness and coolness. The sleek, elongated bodies of the fish are prominently showcased, with their shiny, silver skin glistening under the light. The layer of ice adds a refreshing, crisp aesthetic, emphasizing the freshness of the mackerel. Mackerel is highly valued for its nutritional benefits. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, known for promoting heart health and supporting brain function. Additionally, mackerel is rich in protein, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, as well as essential minerals like selenium, which plays a role in antioxidant defense.

Image ID#: 18129 / Category: Food / Price: 499$
Fresh Mackerel Fish Partially Covered With Ice To Preserve Their Freshness
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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appetizing catch cold commercial congeal cooking cuisine dead delicious diet dieting dinner eating fillet fish fishery fishes fishing food fresh freshness frozen gourmet health healthy industry lunch marine market meal meat natural nutrition product raw seafood store tasty uncooked

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