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Fresh Green Grape Leaves

Fresh Green Grape Leaves

This image shows a stack of fresh green grape leaves, arranged in neat rows next to each other. These leaves are commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine, known as "Warak Enab" in Arabic or "Dolma" in other cultures. The grape leaves have a rich, vibrant green color and a slightly wrinkled texture, highlighting their freshness and suitability for wrapping. These leaves are typically used to encase a mixture of rice, herbs, and sometimes meat, which is then cooked to create a flavorful dish. Their tender yet durable texture makes them ideal for holding ingredients together and imparting a subtle, earthy flavor to the dish.

Image ID#: 20037 / Category: Nature, Food / Price: 499$
Fresh Green Grape Leaves
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appetizer cooked cooking cuisine diet dinner dish ethnic filling food gourmet grape green healthy herbs homemade leaf leaves lunch meal meat mediterranean minced rice rolled stuffed traditional wrapped

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