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Flying Paper Plane With Dollar Bill Holding In Hand

Flying Paper Plane With Dollar Bill Holding In Hand

In this heartwarming closeup scene, a small child's hand is featured, holding a creatively crafted paper plane made from a one-dollar money banknote. The child's fingers delicately cradle the miniature aircraft as it seemingly takes flight. The innocence and simplicity of the child's hand contrast with the unconventional use of the one-dollar bill to create a whimsical paper plane. The folded banknote, transformed into a playful object, adds a touch of imagination and creativity to the composition. The close-up perspective captures the details of the child's fingers and the folded edges of the paper plane, highlighting the charm of this childhood creation. The scene evokes a sense of joy and innocence, offering a unique and imaginative perspective on the relationship between children, play, and the symbolism of money.

Image ID#: 31715 / Category: People, Money / Price: 499$
Flying Paper Plane With Dollar Bill Holding In Hand
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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air aircraft airplane banknote bill blue budget business buy cargo cash commerce concept conceptual consumer credit currency debt dollar earning economy finance financial flight flying gain growth hand holding investment loan money one paper person plane rich spend wealth

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