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Female Mallard Duck In The Grass

Female Mallard Duck In The Grass

This image shows a close-up of a beautiful female Mallard duck nestled between blades of grass. The duck is viewed from the side, with its head turned back, adding a sense of grace to the scene. Her brown speckled feathers create a natural camouflage against the surroundings, while a striking blue iridescent patch on her wing catches the eye. This blue feather, known as a speculum, is vividly noticeable, showcasing how the angle and lighting can affect its color. The gentle natural light highlights the texture of her feathers and the distinct blue patch, creating a serene and picturesque moment in nature.

Image ID#: 19213 / Category: Animals / Price: 499$
Female Mallard Duck In The Grass
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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High quality JPG: 7600x5066 Pixels  / File size:  6.33 Mb.

© Copyright Notice: This image is the exclusive property of Photography, and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use of these images is prohibited. We reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users and to seek damages for copyright infringement.

anas platyrhynchos anatidae animal beak bird colorful dabbling drake duck environment fauna feathers head hunt female mallard nature ornithology outdoor park preservation waterbird waterfowl wild wildlife wings

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