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Details Of Mosaic Patterns At Caesarea Maritima

Details Of Mosaic Patterns At Caesarea Maritima

This image captures a close-up view of the intricate details of mosaic patterns at Caesarea Maritima, focusing on a section of a large, ancient mosaic floor. The design features a labyrinth-like seamless geometric pattern, meticulously crafted using white and black small stones. The precise arrangement and contrast between the two colors create a striking visual effect, showcasing the artistry and technical skill of its creators. This mosaic is part of the historic Herod’s Promontory Palace, an archaeological site located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The image highlights a preserved fragment of what once was an extensive decorative floor. The ruin’s historical significance is amplified by the knowledge of the devastating storm in December 2010, which caused irreparable damage to the site, sweeping away thousands year-old artifacts and mosaics into the sea, some of which were lost forever.

Image ID#: 17444 / Category: Architecture, Arts / Price: 499$
Details Of Mosaic Patterns At Caesarea Maritima
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aged ancient archaeology architecture art artistic civilization colorful culture decoration decorative destroyed display empire excavation floor heritage historical history impressive interior landmark mosaic motifs mythology old ornamental pattern period preserved remains restoration roman ruin scene stone tile wall

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