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Bulletin Board With Sight Words

Bulletin Board With Sight Words

This image features a bulletin board mounted on a wall inside a school, designed to teach children English sight words. At the top of the board, a white carton paper is decorated with cloud bubble designs, prominently displaying the title "Sight Words." Below the title, there is a list of sight words, each enclosed within a circle that has been painted with a decorative thin border. The board also includes colorful drawings of flowers, with leaves and stems, as well as butterflies, adding a playful and engaging touch to the educational material.

Image ID#: 22869 / Category: Miscellaneous / Price: 499$
Bulletin Board With Sight Words
© Copyright 2005 - / Sam Mugraby, Boxist Stock Photography, All rights reserved.


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High quality JPG: 9000x6000 Pixels  / File size:  6.74 Mb.

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announce announcement background board book bulletin classroom clip colorful communication concept crayons decorative design drawn education elementary elements fun glue icons idea learning lettering memo message notepaper office paper paperclip paperwork pen pencil plan posting school scribble sheet sketch study text work write

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