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Abstract Horse Painting On Ceramic Tiles

Abstract Horse Painting On Ceramic Tiles

The scene depicts a vibrant display of multicolored ornamental paintings on glazed ceramic tiles. The focal point of the artwork is a group of mythological horses, intricately portrayed with stunning detail. These majestic creatures are adorned with intricate floral elements, adding a touch of elegance and natural beauty to the composition. The colors used in the painting are rich and varied, creating a visually captivating and lively atmosphere. The combination of the mythical horses and the delicate floral motifs showcases a harmonious blend of imagination and nature, making the artwork truly enchanting.

Image ID#: 24717 / Category: Arts / Price: 499$
Abstract Horse Painting On Ceramic Tiles
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abstract artwork beautiful ceramic creative decoration decorative drawing element exterior fantastic flooring fractal grid interior mixture mosaic multicolored ornamental ornate outdoor painting pattern porcelain square stone stylized surface tiled vintage wall

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