Welcome to our featured collection showcasing Our Featured and New Photos for the Month of August 2022. These exclusive images are perfect for personal, editorial, or commercial publications, offering you the opportunity to purchase exclusive and premium stock photos and unique graphic designs that cannot be found or licensed anywhere else. All our stock photos are available in high resolution, ensuring the highest quality for your projects. Take a moment to appreciate the attractive beauty of these captivating photos showcased below.
Our collection offers a wide array of images to choose from, catering to various creative needs. We take pride in curating a collection that is both diverse and of the highest quality. Each photo has been meticulously selected to capture the essence of beauty, uniqueness, and visual appeal. Our goal is to provide you with exclusive stock photos and graphic designs that stand out and make a lasting impression.
With hundreds of new photos added each month, our What’s New section on Boxist.com offers a constant stream of fresh and exciting visuals for you to explore. Stay up-to-date with the latest additions and discover unique images to enhance your personal, editorial, or commercial projects.

Closeup of Two Children Holding Hands Together on Top of Each Other Against Dark Background.

Glazed Brick Tiles of Lion of Babylon From the Ishtar Gate, From the “Procession Street” in Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II Period (562 B.C).

Poison Bottle with Skull and Bones Warning Label in Dark Blue Glass Color Concept 3D Design.

Mother’s Hand Touching Child’s Hand Isolated on White Background.

Golden Design of the Christian Fish Symbol “Ichthys” on top of Wooden Cross on Marble Surface.

Colored Statue Virgin Mary With Open Hands Against Colorful Sunset Background.

Small American Flag Waving Against Large American Flag Background.

3D Concept Design of Two Golden Rings on Red Fabric with Scattered Love Hearts on Wooden Background.

Model of Wooden Houses with Red Up Arrow Going Up Isolated Against Black Background.

View of Vintage Window with Metal Bars on Grunge Wall Background.

Rolled Scroll of the American Constitution with American Flag in the Background.

Model of house and Hundred Dollars Bills Background with Red Up Arrow.

Closeup of Banknotes of One Dollar Bill with a Portrait of George Washington.

3D Concept Design of Old Gold British Gold Sovereign Coin of Year 1817 with George III of the United Kingdom, The Inscription on the Coin “GEORGIUS III D: G: BRITANNIAR: REX F: D:”
Purchase and license these high-resolution stock photos to access exclusive and premium content that will bring a touch of attractiveness and beauty to your creative endeavors. Our featured and new photos for the month of August 2022 are a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional visuals that inspire and captivate.
Explore our collection on Boxist.com and witness the captivating beauty of our featured stock photos and new additions. Each image has been thoughtfully selected to provide you with exclusive content that sets your projects apart. Elevate your designs with attractive and high-quality visuals that leave a lasting impression.
© Legal / Copyright Information: All images contained on this page are copyrighted by and the property of Boxist.com Stock Photography (Sam Mugraby). They cannot be used without a proper license under any circumstances. The use of these images is not free, and they are protected by domestic and international copyright law. Our stock photos can be licensed for personal, educational, and commercial use and subject to our usage terms and conditions. Any unauthorized usage of these images will be subject to legal action to the full extent of the law. We reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users of our images and seek damages for copyright violations.